Captive Oil Jetty by IOCL
To meet the growing demand of POL, LPG products and Lube Oil Base stock (LOBS) in bulk in Tamil Nadu and neighbouring states, IOCL is proposing to build a Captive jetty at KPL and the proposed jetty is expected to achieve a capacity of 3 MTPA of LPG, POL and LOBS.
KPL and IOCL signed the Concession Agreement with IOCL on 09.06.2016 for construction of Captive jetty at an investment of Rs.465 crores. Due to non-receipt of Environmental Clearance and Non-achievement of Conditions Precedent, the work not commenced and it is expected to get commenced during 2019-20 and will be commissioned by end of 2022-23 for handling LPG cargo.
Development of Marine Liquid Terminal–2
To meet the export/Import demand of oil industry, KPL has initiated actions for development of 2nd Marine Liquid Terminal consists of berth and tankage Terminal by DBFOT mode at an investment of Rs.393 Crores. The capacity of the Terminal is 3 MTPA. After competitive bidding, KPL issued Letter of Award (LoA) to Consortium of BPCL-HPCL on 14.02.2018. SPV Company has been incorporated and Concession Agreement between KPL and Consortium of BPCL-HPCL to be entered.