Safety department in an organization is responsible for monitoring and assessing hazardous and unsafe situations and developing measures to assure personnel safety. The following are the activities of safety department to ensure safe work environment.
Compliance of Set Safety Rules & Norms, Dock workers (safety, health and welfare) regulations, 1990; Factory Act, 1948.
Issue of Hot work permit and ensuring pre-requisite conditions for carrying out the same.
Carry out regular inspection of various construction / project sites and ensure the workers are having valid work permits.
Carry out regular inspection of hazardous waste sites, LPG routes, Tank farm, LPG facilities, POL pipelines, etc.
Initial and regular training of dock workers, responsible and authorized persons depending upon their nature of work and skill required for performing their duties.
To the check the gear tools and tackles to ensure safe operating procedure are followed.
Procurement and maintenance of fire Fighting equipments and Personal Protective Equipments.
Maintain records of incidents/accidents, dangerous occurrence and occupational diseases contracted and furnish the same to the required government departments and agencies.
Daily inspection, testing and maintenance of fire tender.
Ensuring that BOT operators strictly comply with the Dock safety / OISD norms/ Fire Advisors recommendations for installing fire fighting equipments in their respective areas.
Proper maintenance of Ambulance equipped with first aid and cardiac facilities to give emergency medical treatment 24x7.
Permitting bunkering operations on daily basis. A check list was also prepared for permitting bunker operations.
Conducting promotional campaigns like Safety day, AIDS awareness training, etc.
Safety Education and Training- Safety awareness and safe working habits form the backbone of a strong safety culture. Port is organizing training programmes for the employees and workers.
KPL is having a fire tender having capacity of 7000L of water and 2000L of foam and in-built with 11m length of hydraulic ladder.
KPL is having various fire fighting equipments like CO2, DCP, Water type of 2 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg capacities.
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